Sunday, September 3, 2023

Willis Hart, Rothbardian Libertarian tRump Supporter

So, Libertarians AREN'T racist? They just support enabling racism? Because... freedom?

Hmmm, Willis Hart identifies as a Rothbardian Libertarian? Why does Willis specifically identify as "Rothbardian" as opposed to just a "regular" Libertarian?

So I looked up Murray Rothbard and found that he "was a racist, and believed in the voluntary separation of the races".

Wikipedia/Murray Rothbard.

Murray Newton Rothbard (3/2/1926 to 1//7/1995) was an American economist of the Austrian School, economic historian, political theorist, and activist. Rothbard was a central figure in the 20th-century American libertarian movement and a founder and leading theoretician of anarcho-capitalism.

Rothbard opposed egalitarianism and the civil rights movement, and blamed women's voting and activism for the growth of the welfare state. Later in his career, Rothbard advocated a libertarian alliance with paleoconservatism (which he called paleolibertarianism), favoring right-wing populism and defending David Duke. In the 2010s, he received renewed attention as an influence on the alt-right.

Yeah, Rothbard sounds like a great guy. If you ignore the fact that he was a racist. Why the Hartster identifies with his brand of libertarianism? It just makes so much sense to him. I mean, everyone knows that the races shouldn't be mixing, right? That makes sense, economically, yes?

Wikipedia also notes that Rothbard thought Ayn Rand's Novel "Atlas Shrugged" was "not merely the greatest novel ever written, [but] one of the very greatest books ever written, fiction or nonfiction". Though he later had a falling out with her. Though not over his belief that allowing women to vote was a bad idea, apparently.

Given that Rand was also a misogynist. A woman that wished she had been born a man? I mean, the hero in another of her books, "The Fountainhead" was a powerful man who took what he wanted. Including a woman he wanted, who he raped. And the woman (as written by Rand) liked being raped. It wasn't really rape, since she welcomed it.

Willis Hart is a rape skeptic. Meaning, he thinks women often lie about getting raped. They decide to have sex with a guy, then later (after the sex) change their minds and cry "rape". They WANTED it at the time but later regretted it. And (for some reason) decided to try and ruin the innocent guy's life.

Does that sound plausible? Maybe it happens. But as frequently as Willis seems to think? No. Absolutely not. I think that (far more often) a guy thinks a drunk woman "consented" when she didn't. But it's the woman's fault, of course. In fact, maybe SHE raped him (if he was also drunk)?

But back to Rothband... he defended David Duke? And, "in the 2010s, he received renewed attention as an influence on the alt-right"? You don't say. Makes sense. One racist defends another racist. Alt-Right racists take cues from another racist. Could be why Willis Hart specifically identifies as a Rothbardian racist, I mean Libertarian. You think?

 OST #226

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Paranoid Willis Believes His Blog Is Being Monitored By The Parasitic Sociopaths

Does Willis Hart live in fear of being grabbed one day off the street? A bag thrown over his head and thrown into the back of a window-less van?

Maybe. He does know he's being monitored AGAIN! So, obviously Biden's thought police are at least keeping tabs on him. Probably looking for chatter about overthrowing the government.

 OST #225